Organization Innovation Consultant
* Root-Cause Analysis (Diagnosing Challenges to a Value-Chain)
There are no accidents, just cause and effect relationships. Effects are symptoms or results of a preceding action; e.g. a negative cash-flow is not a finance problem but the symptom of a managerial problem. Treating symptoms is only a short-term stop-gap solution. If you want to solve a problem once-and-for-all — preventing it from keep coming back — you'd better find the root cause and design a method of reducing or eliminating its negative consequences.
* Strategic Planning Facilitation
Strategy is the process of planning and directing operations into the most advantageous position before entering into engagement. Therefore, Strategy must be integrated with operational processes; translated into tactical and operational goals and objectives. This integration has every activity support the goals and objectives of activities on a next higher level, thus warranting organizational integrity; a major benchmark for success.
* Business Process Management
This holistic management approach promotes business effectiveness and efficiency while striving for innovation, agility and integration with technology. The underlying impulse is to shift the way managers think about the organization of business, aligning business processes with the needs of clients. Emphasis is on the way people (human intellect) interacts in series or parallel with automated mechanistic business processes.
* Creating Authentic Solutions™ (Solving Operational Challenges)
Ever increasing levels of technology and automation increase the number of complexly interdependent processes that are dependent on fewer tightly coupled resources. As a result, challenges can migrate throughout the entire organization, causing challenges to multiple business units. Only authentic solutions cater to the needs of the organization by addressing the root cause, aligning with strategy and generating synergy within the system.
* Change Management (From Design to Implementation)
This function is critical for all projects; activities performed outside routine operations. It is the difference between working ON the business and working IN the business, requiring two distinctly different skill-sets and personality-types. Projects that fail, fail at the design phase rather than at implementation. That's why many projects never make it to implementation or run over time and over budget. Change management is a discipline in its own right.
Presentation Guru
* Effective PowerPoint Presentations
The objective is to make a complex situation simple, visible and easy to understand. Let me help you communicate your ideas with effective images.

Click to view large size.
And it's the flow of events that helps make a technical presentation enjoyable and understandable for the non-technically inclined in the audience. Compare that to the ineffectiveness of a slide with bullet points for telling the same story!

Click to watch flow of events.
What They Are Saying…
Mr. Norden has exceeded my expectations with his well-structured approach and collaborative style of leadership. As a creative big-picture thinker, he recognized opportunities and interdependencies related to all critical elements of running the business.
His expertise and keen insights in operational processes convinced me of the benefits his plan would bring to the company.
—John Frager, President/CEO Grubb & Ellis-BRE Commercial
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Professional Speaker
* Creating Authentic Solutions
See also, Speaking & Workshops »
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding the fundamental dynamics that govern any for-profit organization (organizational governance)
- Realizing that there are no accidents, just cause & effect relationships
- Expanding our level of thinking by asking bigger questions that beckons critical thinking, rekindles curiosity, and stimulates creativity
* Organizational Governance
Learning Objectives:
- Accepting that governance is more than just legal and financial compliance
- Appreciating that values, ethics and beliefs are the life-beat that make organizations tick
- Admitting that real transformation requires changing the life-beat and critical understanding and insight in the processes that make-up the value-chain
* Strategy and Value-Chain
Learning Objectives:
- Recognizing the difference between operational efficiency and strategic positioning
- Acknowledging the cause and effect relationship between creating superior value and generating superior profits
- Discovering how everything we do is a process and that the org-chart only represents the bureaucracy; span of control, unity of command and unbroken line of command
* Human Error (Patterns of Collapse)
Learning Objectives:
- Changing your mind about human error; it’s not the cause of failure but the symptom of a failing system
- Understanding how poor design, incorrect installation, faulty maintenance and bad management decisions can turn your organization into an accident in the waiting
- Admitting that although we cannot change the human condition, we can change the conditions under which humans work
* Change Management
Learning Objectives:
- Practicing the 7-step process as a discovery tool for all your unanswered questions
- Defining success in terms of end-result, efficiency and risk mitigation
- Phasing all activities according to your budget; Money, Organization, Time, Information and Quality requirements
*Dealing with Uncertainty
See also, Speaking & Workshops »
Learning Objectives:
- Recognizing personal obstacles to success.
- Developing insight into the critical interdependencies between the three contributors to both success and failure.
- Mastering a unique and powerful reference framework for discovering the best possible answer that restores integrity to your organization and creates a concise outline for an implementation plan.
What They Are Saying…
"I give Hans an A+ for his ability to distill a complex situation to its critical elements, and walk his audience through an engaging visual presentation. His presentation was insightful, polished and professional."
—Randall C. Sanner, Program Chair San Diego Financial Executive Networking Group , COO, Commercial Real Estate Brokerag
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